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8 VIDEOS THIS WEEK!  It was busy but the harvest was plentiful.  Skyrim returned, as I posted last Sunday:

And then we went Skyrim remastered crazy with a live stream and a rerelease of Season 1 all in one big video. Listed below.


We explore some of the new developments in Alpha 15 of 7 Days To Die including a trading post and the plot thickens are Emre’s band of survivors begins their plan to invade Aaron’s new fort.


The man behind, Jason Stephens outdoes himself on this episode of Beer and Board games with one of the funniest bits we’ve ever done on the show, Forrest Trump.  Also appearing are Randy Newman and a story about Randy The Macho Man Savage and his unknown brothers and sister.

Jason Stephens (again with his amazing array of impressions) plays Gang Beasts with me and Emre. It’s one of the most fun games of all time and even better with some Morgan Freeman and Donald Trump impressions.


Crimson Creek is an 80’s horror movie turned into a card game. Really fun and Mike Eserkaln looks good as a redhead.

Skyrim For Pimps Season 1 remastered with a little more color and better audio mix. Watch it again, it feels like a movie.


We wanted to try out the new Skyrim Remastered Special Edition so we played it live and let the audience decide what we should do in the story.  It was incredibly enjoyable and we’ll do it again soon.


We recruited 4 of our fans to play this Halloween special with us.  We played a couple different killers called The Wraith and The Hillbilly and murdered our fans repeatedly as they screamed in terror.  Good times.