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I did an interview about gaming, improv, and filmmaking

I revealed my thoughts about a variety of topics in an interview which you can read right here

Return of Skyrim

Return of Skyrim

Mar 16 2017

Our series Skyrim For Pimps is building to an epic and hilarious conclusion.  New episode below amongst the 14 other videos I’ve been a part…

Lovecraft and Cthulhu in 7 Days To Die

I love H.P. Lovecraft and Cthulhu lore.  The game 7 Days To Die (and my series based off of it) is one of my pride…

Beer and Board Games Season 7?!?

So I’ve been doing this show Beer and Board Games for 7 years now as Season 7 dawned this Thursday.  This is hard to comprehend.…

Chad Vader VS Harry Potter

Lots of videos made for your entertainment this week.  What will you watch?  Chad Vader Season in glorious high quality?  Or watch me play a…

Youtube Is Unsubscribing Fans From My Channels

So Youtube apparently unsubscribes people from Youtube channels.  Without permission.  Without even notifying them.  Nothing.  Just a seemingly random arbitrary goodbye to this channel that…

Mexican Wrestling Zombies

SATURDAY DECEMBER 3RD We played Bejeweled and then had sex with a cat.  What a country. MONDAY DECEMBER 5TH Dubba Dee Rainbow continues the…